Snail raising consultations
Interested in raising snails?
Humans have raised snails for millennia. called heliciculture, it is a well-established industry throughout Europe but has lagged behind in north america. If you’ve ever been interested in establishing your own snail farm, This initial consultation provides you with a basic background to get you started on the path to raising your own snails, whether for a business or a hobby, learning from a knowledgeable and experienced heliciculturist (snail farmer).
The consultation includes:
Overview of current U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations
Introduction to the best snail species used in heliciculture
Basics on snail husbandry and anatomy (reproduction, diet, etc.)
Farm/facility set-up
Processing, packaging, storage, marketing, and value-added products
Copy of the presentation for your reference
The one-hour call outlines all the aspects listed Above as well as a presentation and time for a one-on-one Q&A.
Please contact us via the form below for more information and to arrange your consultation. consultations are conducted via phone or zoom.